Dental Implants

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Why Do People Get Dental Implants?

There are endless reasons that could cause you to lose a tooth or even multiple teeth. Whether you’ve lost your tooth to disease, injury, or any other reason, dental implants may be the answer for you.  

Dental implants can restore your smile and your oral health, which will reinvigorate your confidence and even allow you to talk and eat as you would with your natural healthy teeth.

Stability of ill-fitting dentures was the main reason we got involved with dental implants.  For those that have dentures without implants the quality of life is very challenging.  Your ability to chew is compromised a lot.  Foods like corn on the cob, steak, fruit salads are very difficult if not impossible to enjoy.  Mostly you can chew efficiently with dental implants instead of swallowing your food whole.

What is a Dental Implant?

 The implant essentially has two parts, the titanium post, and the tooth. The post is the part that is surgically placed into your jawbone.   We call them root form implants as they mimic the natural tooth root.  These are allowed to heal and then a tooth is placed on the root (implant) in approximately 4 months.

Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?

Today most patients can be candidates.  There are several factors that are necessary to have better success:

  • Good overall health
  • Good quantity and quality of bone
  • Good hygiene habits
  • Non-smokers do better

What About Implants for Multiple Missing Teeth?

Implants are the best alternative when it comes to missing teeth.  They chew and floss like your original natural teeth.  They keep and stabilize bone and soft tissue as well as the benefit they don’t decay.  There are multiple options depending on your wants.  

Dentistry is amazing today where we can rebuild you almost completely back to original condition.

  • Single tooth replacements
  • Implant supported  removable denture/partials
  • Implant fixed partials (Teeth don’t come out)
  • Fixed hybrid denture that stays in but can be removed by the dentist to clean

How much do Implants Cost?

We offer a wide variety of treatment options for most every budget.  We have 3rd party financing as well as our dental savings plan.  Our friendly staff will help check your insurance benefits to maximize your coverage.

We want you to have the chance to enjoy stable teeth again.

How Do I Take Care of My Dental Implants?

Your replacement teeth are to be treated just as they are your natural teeth. That means brushing, flossing, good oral health. This includes healthy gums and bones in order to provide a stable environment for the implants. 

Dental Implants | Coshocton Dentistry

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