Everyone knows how important it is to wear protective gear when playing sports that involve contact — helmets, shoulder pads, and so much more. However, mouthguards are arguable one of the most effective and important forms of protection when it comes to sports.
Why are Mouthguards Important?
One in four people will sustain a sports-related injury to their teeth during their lifetime.
The cost to replace a single lost tooth due to trauma can be up to 100 times more than the cost of a mouthguard.
A knocked-out tooth begins to die within 15 minutes and often cannot be saved, if not replanted within 30 to 60 minutes.
Over five million teeth will be knocked out or damaged in sporting activities this year alone.
In basketball, 34% of all injuries involve the teeth in the mouth.
A single sports-related oral injury could result in tens of thousands of dollars in lifetime dental costs related to that incident.
An athlete is 60 times less likely to damage teeth while wearing a mouthguard.
Mouthguards can reduce the severity of certain concussions and head injuries.
More than two hundred thousand oral injuries are prevented by mouthguards each year in this country.
Athletic Mouthguards from Coshocton Dentistry
Most dental injuries are preventable with a sports mouthguard, and mouth guards could cost as little as 10 dollars, we can make a custom-fitted mouthguard to maximize comfort, speech, and protection. We can also customize your mouthguard with different colors, designs, and logos.
What Sports Warrant a Mouthguard?
Martial arts
Mountain biking
And any other activity with potential contact to the mouth and head.
If you want to get a custom-fitted and designed mouthguard to protect your teeth and your wallet, contact us at Coshocton Dentistry.